Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Sean!!

Today is my little brother's birthday. Sean is 22 today and still crazy as ever. (That's him on the ground)

He likes to pretend that he doesn't like me when his friends are around...but we get along really well and I love our brother - sister relationship. I know I can always bounce ideas off of him and ask for his advice in all kinds of different situations. He sticks up for me and defends me when I need it; he's had my back through lots of tough stuff and I love him for it.
(He knows he loves us too!!! :D)
So, here's to Sean James Hogan. Another year older. I am so lucky to have such a fun, kooky, crazy, loving brother...I couldn't ask for a better brother. Love you bunches!!!

P.S. The pictures are from a family photo session we had with our friend and photographer, Julie Dirkse. You can check out her blog to see some examples of her fabulous work. We love Moments of Grace photography and we love Julie!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

HI Everybody!!

I'm still around...just been neglecting my blog.

Life has been a little crazy in the last few months. To make it quick, we went to Arizona for Thanksgiving and got to spend time with Grandma and cousins, I had my tonsils removed, went on a weekend trip to San Diego, and I've been crocheting up a storm...a BIG STORM!!! And...I'm getting a new tattoo on New Year's Day (SUPER EXCITED about that). I don't have my pictures on the computer yet 'cause I've been slacking, but I'll come back and get some pictures up soon...I promise.

I hope this finds you all doing well. A belated Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you all!!